
Casual Morning Sits

with Megan (and sometimes Chris)

Tuesdays - Saturdays | 6:30-7:00am PT

No requirements around attendance.
This is free but please do register below.

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Some time in silence and stillness each day is a baseline offering of ourselves for our spiritual unfolding. In the spirit of supporting this, I offer a free casual online sit most mornings.

This is super casual - it’s basically you joining me for my morning sit. You can come or not, stay or not, be late or not, have your video on or off.

Light invitations toward presence-awareness are given in the early minutes of each sit. Because many people have been practicing with us for a while, we assume a practice is in place. But this doesn't mean you can't come if you are new. Everyone is welcome.

If you are wanting a space that encourages your daily inner connection - come!

If you wake up early and want to have coffee staring out the window - come!

If you want to lay on the ground and do non-directed movement - come!

If you are on self-retreat and would like company - come!

If we have been working 1:1 together don't underestimate the support that happens in silence.



Hosted By

Megan Cowan

Schedule, FORMAT + Registration

Sits are Tuesdays - Saturdays | 6:30-7:00am PT

If you like to sit a bit longer, feel free to come early or stay later (I am often there by 6:15am). Typical format involves about a 5-minute transmission of pointers followed by the supportive field of Silence reinforced by group intention and momentum.

No requirements around attendance. This is free but please do register and we’ll send you a Zoom link.

If you are new to silent sitting practice and the views/attitudes and methods that support it, Strong Knowing is the place where we lay out this material sequentially.


Sign up for Chris + Megan’s Newsletter

class & retreat announcements, Session Openings and practice notes sent once or twice a month.

We do not share your email address with anyone.

Selected Teaching Session


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In our mind, there is no star, no earth, no sun—nothing whatsoever. Everything will arise from that nothingness. So even though we die, if we know that all of us came from this nothingness, to die is to come back to the source of life.
— Shunryu Suzuki-Roshi