Registration | Intuitive Inquiry Groups


Wednesdays | Jan 22 - Mar 12 | 5:00pm PT “Menopause Series” with Megan

Cost = $125 USD

Meno(Pause) | The Spiritual Offering of Menopause

[A general write-up for the inquiry groups lives here. The prerequisite for participating in these groups is The Art of Inner Communication.]

Ok folks, the threat is finally manifesting - I (Megan) am doing a class on menopause. Importantly - this class is for women of any age! The purpose of the class is to shift our relationship to all the phases of the female incarnation - birth, menstruation, motherhood (physical or creative), menopause and death. You can be long-before menopause or long-after because “prepping for” and “reflecting on” are both valuable! And since I am in the territory, I’m taking you on this exploration with me. 

Each major marker of the feminine life offers the potential for expansion into our connection with source, our fullness of being, our deepening in wisdom, and our offering to the world. These life transitions are spiritual offerings, and the difficulties that each presents are not mistakes or obstacles - they are opportunities to dig deeper, stop avoiding, reclaim inner-knowing, and honor the change. 

Menopause can be thought of as the transition from who you were (or thought you should be) to the embodiment of who you are! We are literally shedding the places where we have not been fully ourselves, where we have been driven by other voices, or where we have been stunted by fear. 

We will do this exploration in the context of our Intuitive Inquiry structure. We will engage the compassionate realm of guides to support us in understanding this process and what it is asking of us. What is our relationship to this transition and what aspects of life are being called to the foreground for reflection and evaluation. What wants to be seen more clearly? What wants to happen in this phase? What am I ready to see? What role is fear playing? What is the role of rest? If I passed through this transition without reservation, what would my new reality feel like/look like? 

Come sit in the circle of guides and other wise women so we may collectively become what is needed at this time. 

After you register, you will receive an email which covers all relevant retreat logistics. If you don’t see it in your inbox within a few minutes of registration, please check your junk/spam folder and/or email so we can send it to you.